The Nairobi Journalist Climate Ecosystem Tour

8th March 2024: NCN worked with the Constructive Institute to host a group of 20 international journalists on a climate ecosystem tour showcasing some of our member organisation’s climate solutions. Journalism and storytelling play a pivotal role in driving climate action forward. Bringing journalists to witness, learn, and engage firsthand with these innovative climate solutions provides them with a solid foundation and understanding of Africa’s diverse climate solutions in practice.

Image in the article The Nairobi Journalist Climate Ecosystem Tour

 NCN is proud to play a role in showcasing solutions and insights from our members to help change the narrative on climate solutions in Africa. 

We visited:

🔥 Burn: The world’s largest vertically integrated modern cookstove company, leading in cutting-edge R&D, manufacturing, and carbon offset projects. Journalists were guided through Burn’s state-of-the-art cookstove manufacturing facilities. Founder and CEO, Peter Scott, demonstrated the various modern cookstoves, shedding light on their environmental and economic impact in Africa.

🌱 Green Stem Products: A pioneering startup crafting food packaging from agricultural waste. Founder and CEO, Anita Shah, shared the extensive research and development undertaken to ensure their product is 100% biodegradable, plastic-free and toxic chemical-free. Their innovative approach contributes significantly to reducing carbon emissions associated with plastic production, disposal, and recycling, as well as curbing greenhouse gases like methane emitted from decomposing agricultural waste.

⚙️ Octavia Carbon: The only Direct Air Capture company in the global south, building and deploying Direct Air Carbon Capture (DACC) machines. Diana Maranga, Business Development Lead at Octavia Carbon, provided insights into the science behind Octavia Carbon’s DACC machines. DACC utilises a chemical filter to capture CO2 directly from the air before being  stored underground or transformed into climate-neutral carbon products, such as sustainable aviation fuels.

This firsthand experience equips journalists with the knowledge and insight needed to effectively report on and share these climate solutions, amplifying Nairobi Climate Network members’ impact and inspiring broader awareness and action towards combating climate change.

A heartfelt thank you to Burn, Green Stem Products, and Octavia Carbon for hosting our guests and spotlighting a diverse array of climate solutions. We look forward to continuing to showcase innovations and enhance storytelling and journalism to drive meaningful climate action in Kenya.


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