Our membership packages

We aim to make our community and our events open and accessible to as many as possible, whilst ensuring relevance and diversity of people, backgrounds and organisations to build value for all. To be accepted, members must either work for a climate-focused organisation, and/or in a climate-focused or senior-leadership role.

Once an organisation reaches more than 2 members accepted into the network, we invite them to become Organisation Members of the network. This incurs a flat, annual fee which grants access for up to 6 employees so that the most relevant people are part of the network. If existing members cannot make an event then they may nominate an alternative staff member. This structure aims to enable access for a wide and diverse range of organisations, whilst asking those who are most active in the network to contribute towards its financial sustainability.

NCN community access -
1 member max 2 per organisation
1 member -
6 members -
Invitation to events
Discussion on NCN channels
Early ticket access
Curated introductions
Post jobs and resources
+1 to selected events
Website recognition
Fee per year 25% NGO discount
Free -
KES 10,000 -
KES 50,000 -

Join our network

Our network grants you access to a growing pool of invidual and institutional events, resources, opportunities, and in-person connections.