Networking Event: January Members Networking Event
18th January 2024: To kickstart the new year, NCN hosted its members to a networking event hosted at the colorful Kenyan Original Kraft Room in Westlands. This event helped members to reconnect after the holidays and share their plans for 2024, as well as hear from the Nairobi City County Government.

We invited our friend from C40 and Nairobi City Advisor Njenga Muchekehu to moderate the event. Njenga supports the Nairobi City County Government in implementing its Climate Action Plan (CAP).
The city has an ambitious CAP which represents a public commitment to reducing its emissions with the following priorities:
- Energy – Develop a framework for the deployment of renewable energy solutions and energy efficiency interventions at city markets in Nairobi City County, scalable to other municipal building typologies
- Waste – Develop collection and separation capacity for organic waste at fresh produce markets across Nairobi City County that incorporates circular economy principles
- Mainstreaming – Integrate climate change into the city’s plan, processes, and governance system
“For the city to realise its ambitious emission reduction targets, it is of key importance that it deepens its collaboration with the private sector and the members of the Nairobi Climate Network. The city is building its capacity to create the type of enabling environment needed to support the wide array of activities and ventures represented by NCN members.” Njenga said.
Members were invited to share their 2024 goals along 4 key themes: Energy and Industry, Urbanisation, Buildings and Transport, Land and Nature, and Climate Finance and Carbon Markets.
In Climate Finance and Carbon Markets, members shared strategic goals starting with signing deals and securing their pipeline of work and funds. Others have more specific targets such as registering Kenya’s first carbon project on electric pressure cookers and creating training modules on carbon credits. Some thought more broadly, setting ambitious goals for the future of the climate sector in Kenya. Members want to see a decarbonised digital transformation in Africa, more AI-automated systems in the carbon space, sustainability reporting across all sectors, and Kenya incorporating carbon footprint milestones in its long-term planning. For NCN, the goal for the year is to set up a Carbon Markets Association for Kenya, building on the success of the carbon markets working group.
In Land and Nature, specific organisation goals include tree planting, taking an insect-based product to the market and rescuing an at-risk carbon project. Broader sectoral aims considered how to improve smallholder farmers access to carbon markets, creating guidance for equitable rights-based carbon project development, developing a Plan Vivo grassland methodology, and enhancing governance structures for biodiversity credits. Members want to see more initiatives that improve the awareness, fundraising, and investment for land-based carbon credit projects.
In Energy and Industry, specific organisation goals include launching an advisory group dedicated to energy transitions, collaborating on clean cooking projects, providing advisory services for decarbonization and sustainability, and launching a consumer-facing repair platform to reduce electronic waste. Broader sectoral goals include: enhancing visibility on regulations for long-term power projects, linking climate finance to energy, and streamlining the energy supply chain. NCN is exploring a Circular Economy Working Group to support actors in the field.
In Urbanisation, Buildings, and Transport, organisations are looking to increase finance and deals in the e-mobility sector and to speed up electric bus production. Members are also seeking to engage with the county for sustainable urban development practices including more e-mobility infrastructure and charging stations.
Finally, members shared some requests for Nairobi City County itself. Members called for action on tackling waste, improving electric vehicle infrastructure, expanding green spaces in Nairobi, and improved sustainability planning and reporting for the city. Suggestions included the establishment of refuse collection points on every street, proper management of landfill sites, and expansion of recycling, together with support for more circular models that reduce waste creation. On electric vehicles, members wanted to see more electric bus rapid transit and the expansion of charging infrastructure for e-mobility. There is a collective push for integrating climate change into long-term planning and reporting for the city, as well as into guidelines for new infrastructure developments in county legislation to foster eco-friendly urban growth that also creates space for nature.
A big appreciation to our fantastic members for taking part and sharing their climate resolutions for 2024. Special thanks to Njenga Muchekehu for moderating the event and providing insights into the Nairobi City Climate Action plans.
Anticipating a successful and impactful 2024 ahead!

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